Dr. Melinda Wilson, Psy.D.

Dr. Melinda Wilson Psy.D. | Clinical Psychologist | Assistant Training Director| Assessment Specialist| Clinical Psychologist | #34651
Dr. Wilson (she/her) is a licensed clinical psychologist and assessment specialist who is the Assistant Training Director at California Counseling Clinics. Through therapy and psychological assessment, Dr. Wilson is passionate about helping people get to know their true selves. Utilizing evidence- and strength-based modalities including person-centered therapy, mindfulness training, ACT, and DBT, she aims to help clients understand which behaviors and reactions once evolved to keep them safe, and which of those are no longer serving them, and then develop more effective ways of relating to the self and others. Dr. Wilson has a particular focus on psychological, cognitive, academic, pre-employment, and pre-surgical evaluations. She has conducted research on primary interventions for PTSD and is trained in targeted treatments for trauma, OCD, panic disorders, anxiety, and relationship issues, among others.
- PsyD in Clinical Psychology, CSPP Alliant International University
- MA in Clinical Psychology, CSPP Alliant International University
- BA in Communication Studies, University of California, Los Angeles
Areas of Interest
Assessment, Mental Health Advocacy, trauma-informed care, evidence based treatment, person-centered therapy
Common Presenting Issues I Treat
ADHD, Adoption, Anger Management, Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Generalized Anxiety, Autism, Behavioral Issues, Borderline Personality, Depression, Divorce, Domesic Abuse, Dual Diagnosis, Family of Origin Issues, Grief, Hoarding, Infertility Issues, Infidelity, Intellectual Disability, Oppositional Defiance, Panic Disorder, Parenting, Self-Esteem, Self-Harm, Sexual Abuse, Stress, Suicidal Ideation, Testing and Evaluation, Trauma, PTSD, and Complex Trauma, Men’s Issues, Women’s Issues, Sex therapy, Sleep issues, pregnancy/perinatal therapy
Types of Therapy
• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
• Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)
• Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
• Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
• Trauma-Focused
• Single Session Therapy
• Family/Systems Therapy
• Motivational Interviewing
• Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT)
Age Ranges
Preteens/Tweens (11-13), Adolescents/Teenagers (14-19), Adults, Older Adults (65+)
Special Certificates & Training
Skills Training in Affective and Interpersonal Regulation (STAIR)
Prolonged Exposure
Cognitive Processing Therapy
Domestic Violence training
LGBTQ training
Multicultural ethics
Presentation of autism in females vs. males training
Differentiating neurodevelopmental differences from posttraumatic stress
responses training